Urban Futures Lab blog Breathwork Training – How to Find the Best Breathwork Training Program

Breathwork Training – How to Find the Best Breathwork Training Program

Breathwork is a powerful and transformative tool that can help people to overcome anxiety, release trauma, and heal emotional and physical issues. Breathwork can be used as a complement to other forms of healing, such as therapy and medication, or it can be done on its own.

There are many different types of breathwork, so it’s important to choose a program that offers the type of techniques you want to learn. You can find a number of programs that offer online or face-to-face training, so consider your learning style and the level of instruction you need to make the best decision for you. Learn more breathmasters.com

You will also want to consider how much time you can dedicate to your training. You will need to watch the pre-recorded sessions, practice breathing exercises at home, and attend live sessions with your teachers. You should be able to set aside about 2 x 50-minute sessions per week for your homework.

How Breathwork Training Can Improve Your Mental Health

Most of the first modules of your breathwork training (called The Personal Journey) will be dedicated to your experiential understanding of introspective breathwork. This process will be a profound self-healing and transformation process that will provide a solid foundation for your career as a breathwork facilitator.

You don’t need to be a spiritual person to participate in breathwork, although it is often seen as a deeply spiritual experience. Many people who have been sceptical about this technique have found that after just one session they can feel a real difference in their lives.

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